Indoor plants hire


Hire & Maintenance

Plants and planters can be hired and maintained on a regular basis.

Purchase & Maintenance

Plants and planters can also be purchased and maintained on a regular basis.

Our Ongoing Maintenance Plan

We remove any concerns for your company about the life of 'live' indoor plant displays by offering the service of regular 'plant maintenance'. This maintenance includes the watering of plants, if necessary, the dusting of the foliage, the misting of the foliage and the removal of any spent or damaged foliage, etc.

Liquid Fertiliser (Thrive or Aquasol) is applied four (4) times per year at the change of each season. Detailed hand cleaning of foliage is carried out only when deemed necessary. The tops of the planters are also wiped over each week.

We try to avoid using any insecticide in the office areas. We spray the foliage with either plain tap water or tap water with some hand soap detergent added (usually the client's own detergent so that no other product is brought onto the site). This method is usually quite adequate for any pests that should find their way onto the plants.

Product Safety Data sheets are readily available upon request for any products that we may use on site.

Any failed or failing plants are replaced during the next service call at our expense. However, we do not cover for plants that are damaged by fire and/or associated water damage, theft or vandalism.

Every endeavour is made to replace plants with the same variety in shape and size/density. However, if the same variety is not available then a suitable substitute will be used.

All rubbish is removed from the office area at the completion of each service call.